Sunday, August 5, 2007

A Caution...

O children of the the Living God, carefully guard your heart and mind because Ideology so easily becomes Idolatry.

...But seek first his Kingdom and his Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

Grace and Peace,


captain supremo said...

hey bro,

i read your posts regularly, but rarely comment.

i just bought an aaron copland cd on itunes, and it sounds like america, and i like it, and i think you should make that song i sent you sound like that the end.

write me back.


captain supremo said...

p.s. if you ever look on the side of a bag of starbucks beans, you'll notice that the world's coffee growing regions are also pretty much the 1040 window.

this means that when i get back, we should start a little coffee company (on the side, of course) so that we can go to all those countries and spread some joy... and by "joy" i do not mean the american dollar.

Michael said...

so now that you live closer, when are we going to hang??